Transportation Projects

Hawthorne Ave/Hyacinth Street Corridor Improvements
This section of Hawthorne Ave and Hyacinth Street was a turnpike street that had become a safety hazard for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists [….]

Salem Downtown Street Resurfacing Project
Westech performed design services including handicap ramp evaluation as well as the final design and contract documents for approximately 11 blocks [….]

Albany 53rd Avenue Improvements
This project developed improved access for a large section of the City of Albany that was developing on a site that had only one access which flooded [….]

Highway 51 Improvements
As part of a private development project in Monmouth, Westech worked with ODOT and the City of Monmouth to improve approximately 1,700 feet of Highway 51 [….]
Public Water System Projects
Water Supply Projects

Lafayette Well 10 Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) Project
Like many communities in the western Willamette Valley, water resources in Lafayette are relatively limited. This limitation results in the need [….]

Junction City Well Improvement Project
The City of Junction City produces their drinking water from a network of four active groundwater wells. Westech Engineering assisted the City [….]

Mill City Well Project
The City of Mill City historically drew its municipal water supply from the North Santiam River [….]
Water Treatment Projects

Philomath Water Treatment Plant
Westech completed the original design for the Philomath Water Treatment Plant in the early 1980s. The plant included packaged treatment [….]

Jefferson Water Treatment Plant
Westech is currently assisting the City with the design of a new 2.0 mgd water treatment plant to treat surface water from the Santiam River [….]

MacLaren Arsenic Removal
The MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility is the largest facility operated by the Oregon Youth Authority with the capacity to house a maximum of about 350 youth [….]
Water Storage Projects

Junction City Water Storage Tanks
Westech developed design/build specifications for two 300,000 gallon elevated spheroidal steel water storage tanks including sitework, yard [….]

Mill City Reservoir Improvements
As part of a major water system upgrade Mill City replaced an aging and undersized 150,000 gallon storage reservoir with a new 1 MG glass [….]

Mill Creek Reservoir
In 2012 the City of Salem selected Westech Engineering to design a new 2.2 million gallon drinking water reservoir facility. The project [….]

Champion Hill Reservoir
This project required the design of a 2.2 million gallon AWWA D110 Type 1 prestressed concrete tank with 22 foot walls and a diameter of 140 feet [….]
Water Distribution Projects

Junction City Domestic Water Pump Station (DWPS)
In preparation for construction of a new State prison and State psychiatric hospital, Junction City undertook a system-wide upgrade to their [….]

Segment 3b Water Transmission Pipeline
In 2002 the City of Wilsonville completed the construction of the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant. This plant was constructed with [….]

Trelstad Avenue SE to Turner Road SE Waterline
Westech is currently assisting the City with the design of a new 18-inch diameter water distribution pipeline in South Salem. The pipeline [….]

Mill City Water Distribution System Improvements
This project involved a major upgrade to Mill City’s water distribution system. Distribution system design included a modeling [….]
Wastewater Projects
Wastewater Treatment Projects

Wastewater Treatment Plant – New Philomath WWTP Lagoon
Westech designed the original treatment plant for Philomath in the 1980s. The plant served the City well for many years. As a result of population [….]

Jefferson Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Westech prepared the facilities plan, preliminary design reports, assisted the City with funding package procurement and provided final design and [….]

NOSD Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
The Netarts Oceanside Sanitary District (NOSD) was faced with out-of-date wastewater treatment plant that was more than 30 years old and had [….]

Mt. Angel Wastewater Treatment Plant
Westech Engineering provided Facilities planning, design and construction services for a new wastewater treatment plant serving the City of Mt. Angel [….]
Wastewater Pump Station Projects

Netarts Pump Station
One of the major pump stations serving the Netarts Oceanside Sanitary District was relatively old and the mechanical systems were in poor condition [….]

Pump Station A and Trunk Sewer Improvements
All wastewater collected in the City of Philomath is pumped approximately two miles to the City’s wastewater treatment plant using one of three [….]

Grant Street Influent Pump Station (IPS)
Faced with an aging duplex pump station that handled all of the City’s wastewater and a rising number of wet weather overflow violations, the [….]

Mill City Pump Station Project
The City of Mill City is served by a Septic Tank Effluent sewer system where each lot has a septic tank for holding solids, with the liquid stream draining to the public mains [….]
Wastewater Collection System Projects

Brownsville Wastewater Collection System Improvements
To address major shortcomings with the City’s wastewater treatment plant, the City entered into a Mutual Agreement and Order with the State [….]
Infiltration and Inflow Correction Projects

Philomath Urban Renewal District Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Westech Engineering assisted the City of Philomath with a major sanitary sewer inflow and infiltration (I&I) reduction project. The [….]

Junction City I&I Reduction Project
Westech Engineering assisted the city in evaluating the condition of the original system and prioritizing rehabilitation areas [….]

Dayton Backlot Sewer Replacement Project
Deterioration of this pipe resulted in this pipeline having the highest measured I/I leakage rate in the City [….]
Stormwater Projects

Chemeketa Community College Main Campus Regional Detention
Marion County’s new stormwater standards required redevelopment projects to provide twice the amount of detention versus new develop [….]

Philomath 12th & 13th Storm Drain
Westech designed approximately 4,400 feet of storm drainage improvements for the City of Philomath. Pipe sizes for the project ranged from [….]

Fairview Addition Refinement Plan Stormwater Design
The Fairview Addition subdivision is located on the grounds of the former Fairview Training Center in southeast Salem. When the State of Oregon sold the property the zoning was changed to provide for environmentally friendly development [….]

DPSST Regional Stormwater System
This large facility was developed in an area of southeast Salem that discharged stormwater to the Highway 22 right of way and a capacity limited drainageway downstream of the highway [….]
Master Planning Projects
Utility Master Planning Projects

Water System Master Planning
Westech has completed several water master plans in recent years for various communities in Oregon including Carlton, Jefferson, Dayton, [….]

Wastewater Facilities Planning
Westech has completed numerous wastewater facilities plans in recent years for several communities in Oregon including Dayton, Mt. Angel [….]

Stormwater Master Planning
Westech has prepared numerous Storm Drainage Master Plans for various communities in the Willamette Valley and surrounding areas [….]
General Development Planning Projects

Fairview Industrial Park
Westech provided planning and design for the development of a 135-acre industrial park. The project was fast tracked for the City of Salem [….]

Staats Lake/Inland Shores
Staats Lake/Inland Shores in Keizer, Oregon is a large mixed use development that includes single family and multifamily residential developments along with commercial development [….]

Fairview Training Center Site Re-Development
Historically the Fairview Training Center was operated by the State of Oregon to care for the developmentally disabled [….]
City Engineering Projects

Jefferson City Engineer
Westech has served as the City Engineer for the City of Jefferson continuously since the early 1980s. During this time we have assisted the City [….]

Philomath City Engineer
Westech has served as the City Engineer for Philomath since the early 1980s. We have completed numerous infrastructure projects including a [….]

Junction City State Corrections and Mental Hospital Facilities IGA Negotiations
Serving as the City Engineer for Junction City, Westech represented the City in negotiations with the Oregon Department of Corrections regarding costs for infrastructure improvements needed [….]
Commercial Development Projects

Woodburn Company Stores
Westech Engineering provided civil engineering design services for on-site and off-site improvements for the Woodburn Company stores. [….]

Turner Road Lowes Home Improvement
Westech provided Civil design for a new 135,000 square foot retail sales building and parking for approximately 675 customers [….]
Residential Development Projects
Retirement/Assisted Living Projects

Rouge Valley Manor
Westech Engineering served as the civil consultant for the growth and expansion of the Rogue Valley Manor development for numerous projects [….]
Apartment Projects

Mill Creek Meadows Apartments
The Mill Creek Meadows Apartments is a small infill/redevelopment project for the Salem-Keizer Community Development Corporation [….]

Godsey Road Apartments
This project involved a two phase development covering a total of six acres and creating 95 apartment units [….]
Single Family Projects

Cottonwood Lakes No. 1 Subdivision
The 53 lot single family residential subdivision was constructed on an old golf course that required extensive fill to raise the site out of the flood [….]
Industrial Projects

Henningsen / NORPAC Facility
NORPAC Foods Inc., a frozen food purveyor, was feeling the constraints of their existing facilities and desired to expand their freezer capacity [….]

Home Depot Rapid Deployment Center
This project required a very short design window and a subsequent short construction window. Coupled with our intimate knowledge of the [….]

Winco Distribution Center
This multi-phase industrial site development covered more than 65 acres for a major Winco Foods distribution center [….]
Institutional Facility Projects
School Projects

Chemeketa Emergency Services Training Facility
The state of the art facility serves the training needs of regional public safety professionals and students in emergency services, fire protection, [….]

West Salem High School
Westech provided planning and design services for the West Salem High School project. Approximately 6,000 feet of existing Polk County [….]

Corvallis High School
Westech completed site evaluations for a new high school to be located in Corvallis [….]
Medical Projects

Salem Clinic
Westech Engineering worked with Pacific Reality & Associates to complete a tentative master development plan for a 28 acre commercial site [….]

Salem Hospital Center for Outpatient Services
Westech provided professional engineering services for one of the largest expansion projects in Salem Hospital’s history [….]
Corrections Projects

Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
Westech’s initial work on the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility included an evaluation of multiple sites for the project. This included on-site [….]

MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility
Serving as the Oregon Youth Authority’s (OYA) civil engineering consultant of record, Westech Engineering assisted the OYA with a major [….]

Oregon State Penitentiary Paving Repairs
This project consisted of maintenance and repair of over 7 acres of existing AC pavement correcting large areas of degraded and/or failing pavement and numerous severe drainage problems [….]

Oregon State Correctional Institution Fire System Upgrade
OSCI’s fire system was supplied from an onsite pond which the fire department considered unsuitable for use due to risks to the fire department pumping equipment [….]
Other Institutional Projects

The Salvation Army Kroc Center
The City of Salem was selected to receive a $40 million, 92,000 square foot community center. The facility in Salem is one of a hundred to be [….]

Oregon Public Safety Academy
Westech provided all civil site feasibility analysis for various sites for the State of Oregon’s $80,000,000 Department of Public Safety Standards [….]

Hillcrest Infrastructure Improvements
The Hillcrest Youth Correctional Facility is a 100 year old facility operated by the Oregon Youth Authority to house youth placed in OYA custody [….]

Salem Convention Center
Westech provided civil engineering services for the Salem convention center. Our participation in this project included onsite civil design as well as streetscape [….]